Channel Letter Refacing

Refacing channel letters for the sign industry!

If you’ve ever driven past a San Diego business or Poway mall at night, then you have surely seen channel letter signs. One of the most common forms of signage, channel letter signs can be created to fit any logo, message, or idea.

The two most common styles of channel letter signs are face lit and reverse halo styles. Face lit channel letters project light out the front of the letters, while reverse halo style project light out the back of the letters at night and are mounted offset from the building on studs.

Unfortunately Channel letter faces do wear out. Channel letters dry out and fall apart after many years of being exposed to the elements. We can design and produce channel letter faces in a variety of colors, fonts and styles, by using your original letters or rubbings.

Call us today at 858-437-3093! Poway Sign Company serves all of San Diego and surrounding areas! Let us create the sign that’s right for your business!