Need to Finance Your Sign Project?
There are a lot of benefits to financing your sign. Is it right for you? Financing is a great way to acquire a new sign without all the up-front expense. We have many flexible finance options that may also provide you with additional tax benefits. Financing allows you to improve your image and advertising while conserving your working capital.
– We can offer an Equipment Finance Agreement (EFA) with terms up to 60 months for signs projects that are over $5000.
– You own the sign at the end of term.
– Sales tax can be included in the financing.
– 100% financing.
– Affordable monthly payments.
– Keep cash and lines of credit open.
– Use money your sign is generating to make payments.
– Fixed monthly advertising expenses.
– Ask about special promotions to reduce upfront costs.
– Accelerated tax benefits structured according to your needs.
– Use Section 179 to expense the entire cost of your sign project this year Or, use a standard depreciation schedule over 7 years .
*Please consult your tax advisor to determine the best option.
Fill out this quick application to get your sign project started now!